Dear customers! Unfortunately we are affected by the shortage of skilled workers, you cannot order here at the moment. We are looking for a future-oriented Kia partner who is interested in the Internet and wants to increase their sales. If you know someone, give us their contact details [email protected] , we will reward you with a shopping voucher worth 300 euros if the contract is concluded! Many thanks Andreas Hoevel


Dear customer, in our shop you can as a private or commercial customer order the complete range of KIA original spare parts and accessories online. How does the shop work ? 

Enter the number of the spare part in the quick search field at the top left, also for price information.
Or write to our parts specialists using the contact form ( please enter the 17-digit VIN ).
Add to shopping cart, register, pay, part arrives, done !

Any questions? Your KIA Parts Team

Our recommandations

In our KIA spare parts shop, private or commercial customers can search for spare parts, car parts and other KIA car accessories. We pay attention to a comprehensive range of all parts, which are to be replaced by new or old yet for very special models.

The genuine parts of KIA vehicles are available in our online shop as well as no-name products of the same car parts. In addition, all important and central information on the respective car parts are delivered.

Quality Requirements for all KIA Genuine Spare Parts

Kia relies on quality. And for that, many drivers turn to us, in the concern that the cars without genuine KIA logo are less suitable and of inferior quality.

The online shop, however, disagrees enormously. Even if only up to 20% of the parts come directly from the factory of the Kia manufacturer. But No Name products also lack quality and goodness. Cheaper than the original are the No name brands more often than not. The online distributor works only with selected suppliers, who enjoy trust and stand for competence. This is whether with or without logo - the KIA is safe when all parts are in order and on a very good condition. This is also ensured by the comprehensive and always up-to-date product range.

Even older models find the right part here, so that the old-timer can flit across the German streets. If the selected part does not fit or has been typed in the number erroneously, the exchange is easily possible. Uncomplicated return without, if and when, allow quick exchange and fixed repair of the Kia´s.


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